Paddling with Porpoise is a journey of protection for the world’s smallest porpoise, while connecting purpose to the activities we love to partake in.

Through metaphorical tidal swings and rolling waves, author Sean Jansen takes us along on his paddleboard while he travels down the second longest peninsula on earth, the Baja Peninsula of Mexico. His personal goal for the project was to do something to feed his soul; to give back to nature instead of taking from it. 

Earlier in life, Sean suffered from years of addiction, toxic selfishness, and incredible doubt. He wasn’t someone who was confident, trusting, or even capable of setting off on this 123-day journey from the get-go.

When he finished his 2,600-mile thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail, he became riddled with guilt. 

“I couldn’t fathom that all he did was go for a hike and take from the world, gorging myself on Mother Nature and ecotherapy without once giving back to the trail that gave me so much.” - Sean Jansen

Paddling with Porpoise was going to be different. Of course Sean wanted to paddle the coast, camp on remote beaches, and enjoy the splendor and wildness that the Sea of Cortez has to offer; but the mission of it all was to give back, and giving is exactly what this book is all about.

100% of the proceeds from this book are being donated to conservation. But not just any conservation; as the title of the book implies, to the conservation of an endangered porpoise. The Sea of Cortez, or the Upper Gulf of California, is home to the world’s smallest and most endangered marine mammal, the Vaquita porpoise.

With fewer than ten remaining in the wild today, Sean set out to paddle the entire 1000-mile coastline all the while raising awareness and donating funds to help scientists prevent the Vaquita from becoming extinct.

Through winds, hurricanes, incessant heat, sickness, insects, coyotes, sharks, and even an earthquake; Sean takes us on his journey while reminding us that no matter your background or skillset, we have the power to do something positive in this world, while not compromising the very things that make us happy and healthy. 

His book can be found on Amazon and as mentioned, 100% of the royalties will be donated to the Vaquita.

Read more about Paddling with Porpoise in this article from Sean Jansen on the Sawyer Blog.


January 16, 2025

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Sean Jansen est écrivain indépendant et guide saisonnier dans le parc national de Yellowstone. En dehors de sa saison de guide, il participe à une multitude d'expéditions allant de la randonnée sur le Pacific Crest Trail à son dernier voyage, la descente de la péninsule de Baja au Mexique en standup paddle. Après s'être rétabli de l'alcoolisme, il a déménagé dans un van et passe son temps à pêcher des truites à la mouche, à s'entraîner pour des ultramarathons et à chercher sur la côte des vagues non surfées. Passionné par la nature et les endroits sauvages, il emporte souvent son stylo et son papier en voyage et cherche des moyens pour que les activités de loisirs de plein air qu'il aime puissent contribuer à la conservation et aux zones environnementales qui en ont besoin.

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