The Best Bug Sprays
NO ONE LIKES the feeling of insect repellent. I have vivid memories of being sprayed down with the stuff as a kid before venturing into the woods in northern Minnesota on family vacations and feeling like chemical warfare was being waged on all of my senses. I was willing to endure it because being covered in mosquito bites is even worse. And the truth is, wearing repellent can save your life, protecting you against West Nile virus and Lyme disease, just to name a few of the pathogens mosquitos and ticks can pass on.
“Insect repellents are designed to affect insects’ senses and prevent them from finding humans,” says Sonja Swiger, a professor at Texas A&M University’s Department of Entomology. “The use of these products provides protection to humans that cannot be achieved by anything else.” Essentially, environmental mosquito management programs can’t completely protect you from the bugs. If you’re going to be outside for a long period of time, especially in areas where biting bugs are common, applying repellent is a smart idea.
Continue reading to learn more about the best bug sprays, written by Kristin Canning.
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