Water filter fundraiser underway for Ukraine

White Bear Lake Rotarians and H2O for Life have teamed up to purchase water filters for the people of Ukraine.

Club member Patty Hall, who founded H2O for Life, is working with fellow Rotarian Irina Fursman to raise funds for the much-needed water filters. Donations purchase Sawyer filters for use in areas of Ukraine where clean water infrastructure has been destroyed.

Fursman moved to the United States in 2002 but spent the first half of her life in Russia, Crimea and Ukraine. She is founder of Global Synergy Group, a St. Louis Park-based nonprofit that works to strengthen communities and youth in Minnesota and Ukraine by facilitating civic engagement and leadership development.

White Bear nonprofit H2O for Life is lending its platform for the fundraiser. Every $25 purchases two filters that provide up to 200 gallons of clean drinking water in 24 hours. All money raised goes toward purchase of filters.

“Funds are needed urgently to send filters to Ukraine,” Hall said. The Sawyer filters are well known to hikers and outdoors types. H2O has also worked with the company for projects it’s done in Africa. About 20,000 filters have been provided so far.

Filters are sent to distribution points in Poland, Romania and western Ukraine for distribution by local Rotary Clubs and volunteers on the ground in areas of need.

To donate, go to https://www.h2oforlifeschools.org/campaign/clean-drinking-water-for-ukraine

Hall said she’s happy to answer any questions on the project or how to donate. Email her at phall@H2Oforlifeschools.org.

Ukraine has 62 Rotary Clubs with 1,100 members. Ways to support the war-torn country can be found at www.globalsynergygroup.org.

L'article complet est disponible ici.


October 27, 2024

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Debra Neutkens

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