A Trip Down Memory Trail: My NOBO Route in Maine by Vehicle 2019 vs. on Foot in 2021

I’ve been given the opportunity to experience Maine as a Katahdin bound but injured backpacker in 2019, turned support crew for a friend I had made on trail, “Freeman” from Switzerland, as well as the now able-bodied backpacker back on track in 2020.

As I draw near to Katahdin, I feel a strong sense of reconnection as I see familiar sites and yet experience them in different ways. It’s interesting to recall my friend Freeman’s and my own experiences two years ago, in comparison to those that I am experiencing on my own this year.

On the practical side, in 2019 Freeman was able to set his tent aside and enjoy a bed in a hostel or hotel every night, because of my ability to drop him off and pick him up at the trailhead every day.

Some were nicer than others..

Ruth shares more memories from her journey, you can read the complete write up here.


October 18, 2024

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Appalachian Trail, Continental Divide Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, et tout ce qui se trouve entre les deux. Nous sommes au service des randonneurs de longue distance.

Nous sommes tout ce qui concerne la randonnée longue distance.

Appalachian Trail, Continental Divide Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, et tout ce qui se trouve entre les deux. Nous sommes au service de la communauté des randonneurs et des randonneurs de longue distance.

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Mentions dans les médias

Jennifer Pharr Davis
Randonneur, conférencier, auteur

Mentions dans les médias

“Our mission is for everyone in the world to have access to clean water,” maintained Beth.

KNA Press

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We tested four portable water filters and recommend the Sawyer Mini Water Filter.

Doug Mahoney and Joshua Lyon
Staff Writers