Get One Of These Earthquake Kits and Be Prepared For the “Big One”

In 2018, there were 14,568 earthquakes worldwide. While most of the earthquakes experienced were between a magnitude 4-4.9, the possibility of more severe earthquakes is still very real. When an earthquake strikes, having access to an emergency kit that includes medical supplies and survival tools can be the difference between life or death.

In the past two decades, there have been more than 20 earthquakes that were a magnitude of 5.3 and higher in the US. Often thought of as a disaster that only affects California, since 1999, earthquakes have taken place in Alaska, Oklahoma, Virginia, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, and more. Earthquake kits are not only a must-have for people living in areas with high rates of earthquakes, but emergency kits can be used for a variety of disasters, both natural and man-made.

The emergency kits we’ve included below are not only full of life-saving items that will help in the case of an earthquake, but they can also save lives when a tornado, monsoon, hurricane, ice storm, flood or freezing rain engulfs an area. We like that these kits are portable and lightweight, making them the perfect addition to any home, car, cabin, or as an added item to take along on a camping, hiking or fishing trip.

While some of the kits we’ve included come with water and food with an extended shelf life, it’s always a good idea to have extra food and water reserves on hand in case of emergency.

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe regardless of where you live with these life-saving earthquake kits compiled by Allison Bowsher.


October 18, 2024

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