Les meilleures fournitures pour la préparation aux situations d'urgence

Emergency-supply checklists are abundant across the internet, but many roundups can be intimidating in their breadth and their specificity. In reality, for the most part you can assemble a basic emergency kit for your home from stuff you may already own. And there’s no such thing as a single kit that’s exactly right for everyone.

“I think we focus too much on there trying to be one right way to prepare,” said Jonathan McNamara, a regional communications manager for the Red Cross. “You should definitely feel free to customize it for your family.”

Continue reading to learn more, written by Ellen Airhart.


October 8, 2024

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Ellen Airhart

Associate writer at Wirecutter

Ellen Airhart writes about emergency preparedness and sanitation. She's used blood and dog excrement to test cleaning products.

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