We’re big fans of the Sawyer Squeeze Mini Water Filter, so I was excited to see Sawyer announce an even more minimal version, the Micro Squeeze Filter. As its name suggests, it’s smaller and lighter than the other Sawyer Squeeze filters, which should make it more convenient to pack and carry in an ultralight bikepacking setup. As with the Mini version, the Micro Squeeze filter boasts the same impressive 100,000 gallon lifespan as well.

Read the full article by Logan Watts here.


October 23, 2024

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Don’t just assume you’ll have access to clean water—carry more than you think you’ll need.

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In this darkness, however, a miracle is unfolding as a Texas-based ministry goes door-to-door, bringing God's love and life-changing water filters.

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$50 will get clean water to a family for an astonishing 20 years by using a Sawyer Squeeze water filter and a 5 gallon bucket.

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