When It All Came Tumbling Down

This was the first morning since Helene that my husband and I sat down to review our weekly calendar. There’s enough routine now and reliable utilities to  plan our work hours, schedule zooms, coordinate playdates for our kids, and even add something social or fun on top of it all. That’s not to say things are back to normal. We still drive over a dozen downed power lines to get to our house; the water coming out of our faucet isn’t safe for drinking and stings your eyes in the shower, WIFI is intermittent, school is still out, and we are still hearing heartbreaking stories from friends in different corners of WNC. But the framework of daily life is slowly being put back together.

I’m not sure if it was from the boredom of being at home or perhaps just being ready for a change, but this past week our son with the long golden locks decided it was time for a fresh new ‘do’. My husband went to work with his clippers and when it was all over we could better see our son’s freckled face. And the grandparents rejoiced. This past weekend, my mom even “rewarded” Gus for his haircut with a trip to our favorite gem mine in Hendersonville.

Continue reading to learn more, written by Jennifer Pharr Davis.


December 24, 2024

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Jennifer Pharr Davis

Randonneur, conférencier, auteur

Jennifer Pharr Davis est une aventurière, conférencière, auteure et entrepreneuse de renommée internationale qui a parcouru plus de 14 000 miles de sentiers sur six continents différents.

En 2011, elle a établi le temps le plus rapide connu sur l'Appalachian Trail en terminant le sentier de 2 185 miles en 46 jours (une moyenne de 47 miles par jour). Elle n'a jamais ralenti depuis.

Jennifer a parcouru 700 miles en étant enceinte, a traversé la Caroline du Nord à pied tout en allaitant son fils nouveau-né, et a fait des randonnées dans les 50 États avec sa fille de deux ans.

Elle est membre du President's Council of Sports, Fitness and Nutrition, a participé au film IMAX Into America's Wild(2020) et a siégé au conseil d'administration de l'Appalachian Trail Conservancy (conservation du sentier des Appalaches).

Jennifer est une véritable force de la nature. Mais ce qui la passionne le plus, c'est de faire découvrir aux gens les possibilités de changement de vie qu'offre la nature.

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Mentions dans les médias

Don’t just assume you’ll have access to clean water—carry more than you think you’ll need.

Pete Sherwood