Elite Daily : 104 objets géniaux à moins de 40 $ sur Amazon Prime

I usually have a "magic number" of sorts when I'm shopping. That magic number is the amount I'm willing to spend on something, knowing I won't have to feel nervous the next time I open my banking app if I buy it. This becomes even more important when I'm shopping for multiple people (think: birthdays and holidays) since I'm wanting to invest in quality products (i.e. don't want to look cheap) for prices that aren't astronomical (i.e. don't want to go broke). For me, all these genius things under $40 on Amazon totally fall into that "magic number" category.

Of course, not all the products on this list reach all the way up to $40. A lot of them are quite a bit cheaper, like the dramatically lengthening $5 dollar mascara that'll make it look like you went to the trouble of applying falsies or the $12 milk frother so you can make cappuccinos at home.

Best of all, every single one of these products is available on Amazon Prime, which means free two-day shipping — perfect for those of us who are procrastinators, as well as those of us who are dead set against going above our magic numbers.

Check out the full list by Anna Anderson and Julie Peck on Elite Daily's website here.


October 21, 2024

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This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

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