Why backcountry camping could be the perfect vacation this year

As stay-at-home measures are relaxed, potential vacationers are beginning to let thoughts of summer travel creep into their dreams. And there may be no safer way to vacation this summer than camping. It was social distancing before social distancing was even a thing. But some campers are nervous about returning to crowded, drive-in frontcountry — aka car camping — campsites.

Fortunately, there’s a more secluded option. Backcountry campsites are kept more natural and only have room for a very small number of campers. They lack public facilities like restrooms and showers, but those willing to do the work to reach them are rewarded with sweet solitude. And that “work” doesn’t have to require hours of hiking. Many backcountry campsites are just a five- to 15-minute walk from the car.

Continue reading Matt Haines's article, and his choice for water filtration, here.


October 18, 2024

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