Best filtered water bottles for 2021 to remove bacteria, sediment and more

Ne laissez pas les bactéries vous envahir. Découvrez quelles sont les meilleures bouteilles d'eau filtrée pour l'extérieur et l'eau du robinet.

Whether you take short hikes for a couple of hours or voyage into backcountry wilderness for days on end, you never want to find yourself thirsty, and you should always have access to clean drinking water. As any avid outdoors enthusiast already knows, a good filtered water bottle for clean water is an essential piece of adventure gear. After all, you don't want to tote gallons of purified bottled water, which is an environmental plague, not to mention heavy and expensive.

While many sources of groundwater and tap water are perfectly safe, it's never worth the risk to drink water you're just not certain about. Even if a water source looks clean, it could be non-potable water contaminated with viruses, bacteria, protozoa or other microorganisms invisible to the human eye. If you've ever been sick from drinking water, you know that waterborne bacteria are no joke. And despite the Safe Drinking Water Act, tap water can still contain contaminants such as lead, chlorine, arsenic, pesticides and even particles from malfunctioning wastewater treatment. Instead, why not consider giving a water filter bottle a spin?

Head here to read the complete article written by Amanda Capritto.


October 18, 2024

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