Best Bug Sprays for 2024

If you're planning your next outdoor adventure, whether you're heading to your favorite camping spot or gathering the gang for a barbecue, you need to grab the best bug spray available. Outdoor activities are a ton of fun but you need to plan for all the possibilities, including bug bites. From ticks to mosquitos to chiggers and more, you don't want any of them on you, especially not biting insects. A proven insect-repellent spray is a must when going to a heavily bug-infested area. We tested more than 20 bug repellents in South Florida and here are our top picks of the most effective repellents out there.

Continue reading to learn more about the best bug sprays, written by Amanda Capritto.


November 1, 2024

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Amanda Capritto


Amanda Capritto écrit sur la santé, le fitness, la nutrition et la médecine. Elle passe son temps libre à faire du CrossFit, de la randonnée et à essayer de temps en temps de nouvelles activités extrêmes. Le parachutisme, par exemple ?

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Consumer Reports has ranked [Sawyer 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent] as the best protection against mosquitoes.

Tori Peglar