27 Products Anyone Who Hates Humidity Will Probably Wish They'd Known About Sooner

Besides that classic humidity-beater: an effective (and cranked-up) AC.

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8. Some DEET- and fragrance-free bug repellent formulated with Picaridin so you can swear off annoying biting bugs once and for all, no matter how attractive you were to them before.

Picaridin doesn't have an unpleasant scent or feel oily as you rub it in, won't damage plastic the way DEET can, and repels ticks, biting flies, gnats, and chiggers as well as mosquitos.

Promising review: "I live in Central New Jersey, home of sweltering heat, dangerous humidity, and many species of mosquitoes, some just annoying, others as aggressive as yellow jackets. I experimented by using the Picaridin on one arm and leg only. The results were impressive. The treated limbs repelled insects. The untreated limbs were attacked by dozens of mosquitoes. I ran into the house. There were itchy red blotches all over my arm and leg. I applied the Picaridin and finished gardening in peace." —Alice W.

Get a 4-ounce bottle of the lotion on Amazon for $8.95 (also available in bulk bottles and in two different types of spray bottles).

Interested in checking out the entire list written by Natalie Brown? You've got it here.


October 24, 2024

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This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

Mia Wandl
Associate Producer

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Sawyer’s insect repellent is also very effective for ticks and biting flies, and it won’t damage gear or equipment.

Tori Peglar

Mentions dans les médias

This repellent, made from 20% Picaridin, provides up to 14 hours of protection against mosquitoes and ticks, and up to 8 hours against biting flies, gnats, chiggers and sand flies.

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