27 Incredibly Useful Products That'll Get You Through The Summer

Pool > beach. I went there.

# 5. An insect repellent that'll ward off mosquitoes, ticks, biting flies, stable flies, black flies, gnats, chiggers, AND sand flies while being non-greasy, safe for the entire family, and practically unscented.

You can get it in both lotion and spray forms; the lotion lasts the longest (up to 14 hours against mosquitos and ticks) but the spray's easy to apply on clothes (and lasts up to 12 hours against mosquitos and ticks).

Promising review: "This is the absolute best bug repellent out there. My four-year-old son is severely allergic to mosquito bites. When he does get bit, they swell to the size of a half dollar, get hard and hot and often turn into a staph infection. Every summer he was getting antibiotic prescriptions and I was starting to get seriously worried. We tried so many bug sprays but they just didn't work. My sweet baby is just irresistible. I took him to an allergist and he recommended Sawyer Picaridin. I have been so happy with this bug repellent. Since using this bug spray, we haven't had to deal with a single bug bite and no more antibiotics!!" —Sarah R.

See the full list by Alexandra Napoli on BuzzFeed's website here.


October 28, 2024

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